sábado, 24 de junio de 2017

Laura Simancas Albornoz 

1)    Before reading:
Aplique las estrategias 1 y 4 antes de leer el texto “Spider Webs” y explique a continuación cuáles son las ideas generadas a partir de la lectura global. 
ayuda a comprender mejor lo que se lee y captar el mensaje
 ayuda a tener una idea principal antes de leer 
2)    While reading:
Aplique las estrategias 3 y deduzca la idea principal de cada párrafo antes de leer el texto por completo.
1._las telarañas ayudan a las arañas.
2. las telarañas sostienen los huevos.
3._las telarañas ayudan a las arañas a esconderse.______
4.las redes les ayuda a atrapar comida
5. las redes les ayuda a saber si cazaron algo 


3) This passage is mostly about
A. spider colors
B. spider webs
C. spider eggs
4) Spider webs help spiders
I. hold eggs - II. catch food - III. find water
A. I only
B. I and II only
C. I, II, and III
5) As used in paragraph 4, the word trapped most nearly means
A. stuck
B. hidden
C. eaten
6) How can spiders tell when something is trapped in their web?
A. They hear it.
B. They smell it.
C. They feel it.
7) As used in the last sentence of the passage, the word survive means to stay
A. alive
B. hidden
C. caught
8) The passage lists three reasons why spiders spin webs (paragraph 1). Of these reasons, which do you think is the most important? Why?
__i think the most important is to catch food because they needed to stay alive and for feed their baby spiders 

9) Are the spider webs good? Do spiders need them? Why or why not?
_yes are important to them, it’s like a part of the live of the spider we can say that the web spider it’s their houses